Frequently Asked Questions

Local Care Midwifery, PLLC has answers

Can I use Local Care Midwifery, PLLC for Well Woman Care?

Yes! Local Care Midwifery, PLLC provides midwifery care throughout a woman’s entire lifespan. We are happy to provide annual examinations, basic primary care services, pap smears, and family planning services, including natural family planning, hormonal and mechanical methods.

Does K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM participate with any insurance plans?

Yes! Michelle is a participating provider with CDPHP , and BS NENY. If you are a CDPHP or BCBS NENY member, you will only be responsible for your usual copays and deductibles for office visits. Due to the intensive, comprehensive and holistic services provided for birth, there is also a reasonable Perinatal Non Medically Necessary Services Fee. Please ask for details at your free consult.

Does K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM, FACNM have hospital privileges?

Yes. Michelle has admitting privileges at Bellevue Women’s Center in Niskayuna. The Bellevue campus of Ellis Medicine, offers care for woman at all stages of life including the Capital District’s most popular birth place, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Michelle having hospital admitting privileges means that LCM clients planning home birth that need to transfer to hospital care have the option of seamless care with their chosen provider. It also means that Planned Hospital Birth is an option for LCM clients.

Will my insurance cover Local Care Midwifery. PLLC services?

Our Business Manager, Chrissy Hotaling will work with you to determine your and your insurance’s responsibility for payment.  We will review your insurance with you and bill when possible. Local Care Midwifery, PLLC is committed to making midwifery care accessible. Home birth services are generally reimbursable by insurance.  If you are in need of financial assistance, ask about our day of service fee discount.

Is home birth right for me?

Local Care Midwifery, PLLC offers free consultations so that you can meet with us and discuss whether choosing planned home birth is right for you. In general, women choose home birth as a reflection of their personal values and beliefs about birth, and from a desire to avoid the interventions that happen frequently in hospital births. If you desire a home birth, we would be honored to meet with you.

Is home birth safe?

Local Care Midwifery, PLLC offers free consultations so that you can meet with us and discuss whether choosing planned home birth is right for you. In general, women choose home birth as a reflection of their personal values and beliefs about birth, and from a desire to avoid the interventions that happen frequently in hospital births. If you desire a home birth, we would be honored to meet with you.

What happens if there are two women in labor at once?

To avoid missing births, and to provide an overall high standard of care, we limit our number of clients due in a given month. That helps ensure that your midwife will be present at your birth.  In the unlikely event of two women simultaneously being in active labor, your midwife may leave slightly earlier in the postpartum period than she otherwise would, trusting care to a skilled Midwife Assistant while at the second birth, a midwife assistant support the mother while waiting for LCM’s midwife to arrive.  In the very rare event that your midwife is unable to attend your birth, we will make immediate arrangements so that your planned home birth is attended by both a qualified Licensed Midwife and a Midwife Assistant.

Is home birth legal?

Home birth is legal throughout most of the United States, but midwifery is regulated differently from state to state. In the state of New York, licensed midwives have extensive training and access to equipment and medications. New York State law regulating midwifery does not prohibit home birth, nor does it require licensed midwives to participate in them. Midwives offer care in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, clinics, birth centers, clients’ homes, and private professional offices. To learn more about how Licensed Midwives practice in New York State, the New York State Office of Professions has helpfully provided  this page.

Do I need a doula at a home birth?

We welcome doulas at home births, but we do not require them.  Local Care Midwifery, PLLC will provide a midwife and midwife assistant for active labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. So while doulas are always welcome (and we love them), they aren’t necessary for most LCM clients.

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