Home Birth Supplies
Below are the most common supplies you’ll need for your home birth.
Local Care Midwifery offers hydrotherapy services, and has water birth/labor tubs to rent.
Home Birth Kit
A Custom Kit for my clients is available for purchase from Radiant Belly. The following link will take you to the site for information on purchase and a list of contents:
Please have the kit (or the contents purchased separately if you prefer to do your own gathering) by 36 weeks/ a month before your baby’s ‘due date.’ We will look over supplies at your prenatal home visit about a month before your due date.
General Supply List
Besides the Birth Kit, the following are a very good idea:
- A laundry basket or hamper, for soiled linens (gather the supplies below and place in basket, well not the snacks)
- A medium trash can and 1 or 2 trash bags (dark and strong are great)
- A medium bowl or other container (‘Tupperware’, think 1/2 gallon ice-cream size)
- Light snacks that appeal to you (crackers? popsicles? soup? toast? yogurt? fruit? etc)
- Drinks that you will drink (tea? juice? water? Recharge? EmerganC? smoothies? etc)
- A brief written phone list (not just in the memory of the phone)
- A camera (that someone besides the mom-to-be knows how to use)
- Working Flashlight (in case the power goes out)
- Extra batteries
- Feminine Hygiene products (overnight sanitary pads).
- Digital thermometer
- A roll of paper towels (I love Bounty!)
- Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide
- Things that are comforting to you (aromatherapy oils? candles? pillows? music? etc)
- Lots of clean towels, wash clothes, and especially flannel baby receiving blankets, about a dozen each. Used and worn are perfect!
Labor Tub Rental from LCM
Laboring and/or giving birth in water can reduce pain, aid relaxation, increase mobility and decrease stress for mother and baby. If you are trying to decide whether hydrotherapy in labor is right for you, please discuss this with your midwife and we will do our best to help you. For more information on the benefits of water in labor, please visit Waterbirth International.
Local Care Midwifery, PLLC offers hydrotherapy services, and provides a professional grade water birth tub available for rent. LCM’s tub kit rental includes a inflatable labor/birth tub, a personal liner, large bucket, a variety of faucet adapters, air leak kit, a non-submersible sump pump, a tarp to go under tub, and a small debris/fish net. We rent this all for $150. You supply a clean hose to fill the tub and assure that the hose can attach to a faucet. Birth tub rental may be reimbursable by insurance, and we are happy to provide an invoice so that you can submit a claim. Contact Michelle for tub rental scheduling.