I received this wonderful letter today. My practice, Local Care Midwifery, PLLC is being recognized as one of the ACNM’s best practices for supporting normal birth. Very cool!

As wonderful as it is to be recognized for doing good work, it is even better to know that normal, physiological birth is supported not just here in NY’s Capital District, but around the nation, and around the world.

Thanks to all the women, babies and families that have entrusted me with your care.

Local Care Midwifery, PLLC mobile logoMichelle
May all babies be born into loving hands

March 25, 2013


As the chair of the Quality Committee for the Division of Standards of Practice- I want to write to congratulate you for achieving best practice in the 2011 ACNM Benchmarking Project.  Your practices is being recognized in the “4 Core” Category. You are one of 29 practices (out of 203) that has been named as “BEST PRACTICE” in this category.  Congratulations!!!!!! The roster will be posted within the next week or so on the ACNM Benchmarking Website.
We have taken composites of the Joint Commission and National Quality Forum Endorsed Perinatal measures that represent “normal physiologic birth” and named the “4 core” measures.
Diana R. Jolles CNM MS
“Our aim is to see ourselves surpassed”
Mrs. Mary Breckenridge
Frontier Nursing Service