In 2017, Local Care Midwifery (LCM) attended 31 births. Of these, 29 babies were born vaginally and two were born by Cesarean Section. The Vaginal Delivery Rate for LCM clients in 2017 was 94%, and the C/S Rate was 6%. (That’s 6% compared to a US C/S rate of 32% and a NYS C/S rate of 34%.)We had 26 clients that entered labor planning to birth at home* and except for two, they did birth at home. Both of those women transferred for pain relief options. (An epidural can be a fabulous thing!). Five people opted for planned hospital birth. One client was initially planning a home birth but she developed severe Preeclampsia and had an induction of labor at the hospital a full month before her due date. (She proceeded to birth vaginally. She and the baby did awesome.)Last year, four women who had previously had Cesarean deliveries, birthed with LCM. Of these, two had previously also birthed vaginally; they both planned to birth at home and that is what happened. The two women that planned to have vaginal delivery after C/S (VBAC) at the hospital (and had not had a prior vaginal delivery), both birthed surgically. (Repeat C/S after ‘Failed Trial of Labor’is not my favorite medical phrasing. It’s right up there with ‘Elderly Primigravida’.)
LCM’s midwife, K. Michelle Doyle, MSN, CNM, NYS LM has admitting privileges at Bellevue Women’s Hospital. This means that LCM clients can have their chosen midwife for planned home birth, planned hospital birth, and even when a change of plan occurs (like Preeclampsia at 36 weeks, or really needed an epidural you were determined to avoid).
At LCM, we do more than ‘just catch babies’ (though that part is pretty wonderful). In 2017, there was plenty of time for GYN visits, lactation support, biodynamic craniosacral therapy appointments, as well as hugs, cups of tea, returning client emails and texts. And of course our wonderful bi-monthly LCM Moms & More!
*The specification ‘entered labor planning to birth at home’, is common to well designed place-of-birth studies and it is the specification that Midwife’s Alliance of North America (MANA) uses for their planned home birth data. Want to support MANA Stats? If you are a midwife, join the project! Want to donate to this project? Monies can be donated to the MANA Division of research and earmarked for MANA Stats.
Here are the 2017 LCM Stats:
Local Care Midwifery MANA Stats 2017
Total Number of Births | 31 | |
Vaginal Births | 29 | 94% |
Home Birth (as planned) | 24 | 92% |
Transports in labor (none urgent) | 2 | 7% |
Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (NTSV) C/S Rate | 0/5 | 0% |
Average age at booking | 33 | |
First Time Mothers | 7 | 22% |
Total Inductions (Pharmaceutical Inductions) | 1 | 3% |
Water births | 4 | 14% |
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean/Successful VBAC Rate | 2 | 50% |
Breech birth | 0 | |
Twins | 0 | |
Intact perineum or only slight abrasion | 24 | 83% |
3rd or 4th degree vaginal laceration | 0 | |
Episiotomy | 0 | |
Cesarean Births/ C Section Rate | 2 | 6% |
Blood loss over 500 mls for vaginal delivery | 0 | |
Blood loss over 500 mls for C/S | 1 | 3% |
Blood loss over 1000 mls for any delivery | 0 | |
Male/Female infant ratio | 14/17 | |
Average Baby Weight | 7.7 lbs | |
Breastfeeding at last visit | 31 | 100% |
Infant deaths during labor or 6 weeks postpartum | 0 | |
Infant with 5 minute Apgar under 7 | 0 | |
Maternal Death | 0 |
May all babies be born into loving hands
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