After fourteen and a half years in the same house and four and a half years in the same office, Michelle's home and work will reside together, under one, beautiful, slate roof.
After fourteen and a half years in the same house and four and a half years in the same office, Michelle's home and work will reside together, under one, beautiful, slate roof.
Remembering Sarah Tzipporah
Local Care Midwifery, PLLC and K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM are featured in this article about home birth in NY Capital District. The article published in CD Parent Pages was written by journalist Dania Bianchi. For her research, she interviewed many woman beloved by LCM: Chrissie Morrison, Kendra Hennessey, Chrissie Hotaling, Dr Marla Eglowstein.
In midwifery, like life, things do not always unfold as you think they might. And Baby Joey has schooled us in that particular lesson again and again in his short life. For a update on Baby Joey, see the blog post from 3/21/13. This essay was presented, by Michelle, as the sermon at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Troy, NY on Sunday, March 17, 2013.
Baby Joey continues on his amazing journey. Here is a quick update for all his fans.
Baby Joey is two week old! As he continues on his amazing journey, here is a quick update for all his fans.
Local Care Midwifery, PLLC is recognized by the American College of Nurse Midwifery (ACNM). We achieved Best Practice status in "The Core Four" for 2011.
K. Michelle Doyle, CNM, NYS LM and Local Care Midwifery,PLLC welcome their 100th baby. Established in August 2009, Local Care Midwifery offers planned home birth services to families in NY's Capital District.