Local Care Midwifery Blog
A blog created to share information from Local Care Midwifery, PLLC with women and families of New York’s Capital District and beyond.
Unearned Intimacy
My two professions, midwifery and Craniosacral Therapy have many things in common. Unearned intimacy is one of those.
I love babies
To anyone that has met me, this is not new news: I love babies.
Apple Cake
The crisp edge has returned to the air here in UpState NY. That means that apple season is upon us. This is the perfect time for Apple Cake! Today's blog offering is a recipe: this recipe originated with Abby Ritter's Grandmother Rose. For Rosh Hashanah, I modified the recipe for a dear friend that needs to avoid both gluten and processed sugar. This cake is rich, delicious and satisfying. Enjoy!
My dad's mom, my Lala had a big influence on my life. Her love of life, travel, and books was unmatched.
Postpartum Reality
While childbirth education is obviously about being a parent, somehow new parents often feel unprepared for the reality of life after childbirth. In this essay, Midwife Doyle shares some thoughts and asks for your help.
What I Have Learned From Large Families: Part 2
Following on last week's post, What I Have Learned From Large Families, here is brief offering on the same theme.
What I Have Learned From Large Families: Part 1
As midwife, I am always learning from my clients. Since starting my own midwifery practice, I have gotten to know families in an even more intimate way. Large families, families with more than four children are a breed onto themselves, one that is especially dear to my heart. I have learned so many things from caring for large families...
The Top Ten Least Wonderful Things About Being a Private Practice, Home Birth Attending Midwife and Small Business Owner
The writing muse has been quiet lately. In attempt to woo her back, I posted a question on Facebook: 'What would you like to read as a Midwifery, Mothering & Me post'. The winning comment (for the moment) requested a post about the down side of being a midwife, the un-glamorous side of the job, something nitty and gritty. Well, (thank you, Mandy Torres) here goes....