
Local Care Midwifery Blog

A blog created to share information from Local Care Midwifery, PLLC with women and families of New York’s Capital District and beyond.

Local Care Midwifery


Birth Stories


Welcome to the World!

More Recent Births


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Sweet Baby Finn Abraham, welcome! (As always full post and more pics on Local Care Midwifery's website at Welcome to The World. Just press on link.) ... See MoreSee Less
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Sweet Baby Lawrence Walter welcome! (As always full post and more pics on Local Care Midwifery's website at Welcome to The World. Just press on link.) ... See MoreSee Less
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Born into loving hands

Please forgive me for not writing sooner. The last month and a half have flown by -moving home and office was a lot of work! In honor of Valentine's Day. in honor of you my reader's and most importantly, in honor of Joseph Jude and his story, I am 'back in the saddle' and submitting a post. Read to the end and support the Into Loving Hands Movie fundraising campaign.

Local Care Midwifery


Birth Stories


Welcome to the World!

More Recent Births


Facebook Posts

Sweet Baby Finn Abraham, welcome! (As always full post and more pics on Local Care Midwifery's website at Welcome to The World. Just press on link.) ... See MoreSee Less
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Sweet Baby Lawrence Walter welcome! (As always full post and more pics on Local Care Midwifery's website at Welcome to The World. Just press on link.) ... See MoreSee Less
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